Wales journalists help Light Up A Life hospice remembrance service to go online

WALES rugby great Eddie Butler and TV broadcaster Sian Lloyd are taking part in touching virtual remembrance services normally staged in places of worship throughout Gwent at Christmas time.

BBC journalists Eddie, from Monmouthshire, and Sian, a patron of Newport-based St David’s Hospice Care, will read tributes to loved ones for the online service.

St David’s Hospice Care says its Light up a Life event will be just as poignant as in previous years when many have been held in churches but this year due to the pandemic it will be arranged online.

Kris Broome, of St David’s Hospice Care, said: “We’re delighted that Eddie and Sian have agreed to take part this year in our virtual, online Light Up A Life event which this year is being supported by Newport-based Tovey Brothers.

“We know how important our Light Up a Life services are for family and friends at this time of year so are determined to go ahead with the remembrance event. However, due to the Covid-19 restrictions, we have had to arrange it very differently this year.

“Traditionally Light Up a Life is a series of special events that take place around the UK during November and December each year by the Hospice movement. Families don’t have to have been cared for by the hospice to take part in the events.

“The events are organised to help families and friends to come together to remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones. 2020 has been such a traumatic year for everyone and organising services is going to prove extremely difficult due to the government restrictions which are in place.

“We completely understand the importance of Light Up A Life and the significance that our services hold in many of our supporters hearts so we will be holding a virtual event which you will be able to join from wherever suits you with your family or your close friends (bubble). This online service is open to all; anyone who has lost or wants to remember a loved one

“The event will be broadcast online at 7pm on Thursday, December 10 with a host of staff, volunteers and local celebrities reading poems, readings as well as staff members from the Hospice leading the singing for the carols.

“This online service will mean that more people will be able to attend whilst being able to share this special time of remembrance and reflection with family and friends who are separated but can come together as one. Within the service there will be a time of reflection where our nursing staff will read out the names of those to be remembered.”

How it will work

A leaflet will be mailed to supporters together with two memory stars to hang on your Christmas tree at home.

Within the leaflet, there will be an opportunity to list the names of those you would like remembered within the service.

Upon return of the leaflet we ask for a donation to help us provide the vital free work that the Hospice provides. Prior to the service in early December we will notify you of the video link that will be used (The platform will be vimeo)

After the service, all names will be added to the St David’s Hospice Care Online Memory Book.

For more details call 01633 851051 or visit