Stephens Wilmot Solicitors has moved its office to Mamhilad Park Estate, near Pontypool.

Partner Dan Wilmot said it was the best move the firm, which handles property conveyancing, litigation and wills and probate, had made since it was established in 2017.

The joint partner in the business, with fellow director Rob Stephens, said: “At our former location there was limited scope to network with other businesses and potential clients. While we source some work nationally, we saw the relocation to Mamhilad as an opportunity to highlight awareness of Stephens Wilmot and foster some relationships with some of the businesses in the local community.

“We currently employ 16 staff. We are taking on two more for conveyancing team this spring and will be taking on a further two people in administrative roles. We think our new location will be more attractive to potential staff due to the on-site facilities such as the café, gym and nursery; the free parking and easy access. And the well-maintained grounds give the surroundings a lovely feel.”

He added: “In addition to all of the above, a big factor was Johnsey Estates themselves, who were clearly, genuinely interested in our business and keen to help us get set up and running on site. They invested time in us at the outset which we really appreciated and which in our minds set them apart from other potential landlords we had spoken to. We hope to enjoy a long relationship with them.”

With more than 180 occupiers on site, Johnsey Estates-owned Mamhilad Park Estate offers 1.5 million square feet of office and industrial space including the former grade II*-listed Nylon Spinners complex

Johnsey Estates operations manager Peter Downes said: “We have been very pleased with the sustained buoyancy of our enquiries.  We have grown our income by about ten per cent during the last year, despite the pandemic, by listening to our occupiers and adapting their space to suit circumstances.

“The fact that we work with our occupier is a key feature in setting us apart from the market, not least as we are based on site.”



[from Insider Media Limited]